Designing a DSL for Terminal Interaction
17 January 2025

In this post we'll build a DSL for terminal interaction. The terminal is familiar to most programmers, and terminal applications are common for developer focused tools. Most terminal features are controlled by writing specially formatted text. However, applications benefit from higher-level abstractions, motivating libraries that present a more ergonomic interface1. Our implementation will showcase codata interpreters, monads, and the central role of designing for composition and reasoning.

This case study is a draft of content for Functional Programming Strategies, and I'm assuming some familiarity with other material that appears in that book. If you haven't read the book you can do so online, but here's a quick summary of the main concepts we will need:

  • Codata is fancy programming language theory speak for "object oriented". If you've ever programmed against an interface you'll find this straightforward.
  • Interpreters come about because we want a separation between description and action, which in turn makes it easier to reason about effectful code. In addition to the book, I've blogged about this before.
  • Monads arise when we want to create a structure that represents doing a bunch of things happening in a defined sequence.

Alright, enough background. Let's get into it!

The Terminal

The modern terminal is an accretion of features that started with the VT-100 in 1978 and continues to this day. Most terminal features are accessed by reading and writing ANSI escape codes. There are lots of them, and they aren't all well documented. We will work only with codes that change the text style. This allows us to produce interesting output, and raises all the design issues we want to address, but keeps the system simple. If comprehensiveness is your interest, I've been working on a library that extends the ideas here to a complete system.

The code below all uses Scala 3. It is written so you can paste it into a file and run it with any recent version of Scala with just scala <filename>. The examples should work with any terminal from the last 40 odd years. If you're on Windows you can use Windows Terminal, WSL, or another terminal that runs on Windows such as WezTerm.

Color Codes

We will start by writing color codes straight to the terminal. This will introduce us to controlling the terminal, and show the problems of using ANSI escape codes directly.

val csiString = "\u001b["

def printRed(): Unit =

def printReset(): Unit =

@main def go(): Unit =
  print("Normal text, ")
  print("now red text, ")
  println("and now back to normal.")

Try running the above code (e.g. save it to a file ColorCodes.scala and run scala ColorCodes.scala.) You should see text in the normal style for your terminal, followed by text colored red, and then some more text in the normal style. The change in color is controlled by writing escape codes. These are strings starting with ESC (which is the character '\u001b') followed by '['. This is the value in csiString (where CSI stands for Control Sequence Introducer). The CSI is followed by a string indicating the text style to use, and ended with a "m" The string "\u001b[31m" tells the terminal to set the text foreground color to red, and the string "\u001b[0m" tells the terminal to reset all text styling to the default.

The Trouble with Escape Codes

Escape codes are simple for the terminal to process, but lack useful structure when generating them. The code above shows one potential problem: we must remember to reset the color when we finish a run of text. This problem is no different to that of freeing manually allocated memory, and the long history of memory safety problems in C programs show us that we cannot expect to do this reliably. Luckily, we're unlikely to crash our program if we forget an escape code!

To solve this problem we might decide to write functions like printRed below, which prints a colored string and resets the styling afterwards.

val csiString = "\u001b["
val redCode = s"${csiString}31m"
val resetCode = s"${csiString}0m"

def printRed(output: String): Unit =

@main def go(): Unit =
  print("Normal text, ")
  printRed("now red text, ")
  println("and now back to normal.")

Changing color is the not the only way that we can style terminal output. We can also, for example, turn text bold. Continuing the above design gives us the following.

val csiString = "\u001b["
val redCode = s"${csiString}31m"
val resetCode = s"${csiString}0m"
val boldOnCode = s"${csiString}1m"
val boldOffCode = s"${csiString}22m"

def printRed(output: String): Unit =

def printBold(output: String): Unit =

@main def go(): Unit =
  print("Normal text, ")
  printRed("now red text, ")
  printBold("and now bold.\n")

This works, but what if we want text that is both red and bold? We cannot express this with our current design, without creating methods for every possible combination of styles. Concretely this means methods like

def printRedAndBold(output: String): Unit =

This is not feasible to implement for all possible combinations of styles. The root problem is that our design is not compositional: there is no way to build a combination of styles from smaller pieces.

Programs and Interpreters

To solve our problem above we need printRed and printBold to accept not a String to print but a program to run. We don't need to know what these programs do; we just need a way to run them. Then the combinators printRed, printBold, and so on, can also return programs. These programs will set the style appropriately before running their program parameter, and reset it after the parameter program has finished running. By accepting and returning programs the combinators have the property of closure, which in turn makes composition possible.

How should we represent a program? Avid readers of Functional Programming Strategies will know there are two basic choices for any representation: data and codata. We will choose codata and in particular functions, the simplest form of codata. In the code below we use the type Program[A], which is a function () => A. The interpreter, which is the thing that runs programs, is just function application. To make it clearer when we are running programs I have a created method run that does just that.

type Program[A] = () => A

val csiString = "\u001b["
val redCode = s"${csiString}31m"
val resetCode = s"${csiString}0m"
val boldOnCode = s"${csiString}1m"
val boldOffCode = s"${csiString}22m"

def run[A](program: Program[A]): A = program()

def print(output: String): Program[Unit] =
  () => Console.print(output)

def printRed[A](output: Program[A]): Program[A] =
  () => {
    val result = run(output)

def printBold[A](output: Program[A]): Program[A] = 
  () => {
    val result = run(output)

@main def go(): Unit =
  run(() => {
    run(print("Normal text, "))
    run(printRed(print("now red text, ")))
    run(printBold(print("and now bold ")))
    run(printBold(printRed(print("and now bold and red.\n"))))

This works, for the example we have chosen, but there are two issues: composition and ergonomics. That we have a problem with composition is perhaps surprising, as that's the problem we set out to solve. We have made the system compositional in some aspects, but there are still ways in which it does not work correctly. For example, take the following code:

run(printBold(() => {
  run(print("This should be bold, "))
  run(printBold(print("as should this ")))
  run(print("and this.\n"))

We would expect output like

This should be bold, as should that and this

but we get

This should be bold, as should this and this.

The inner call to printBold resets the bold styling when it finishes, which means the surrounding call to printBold does not have effect on later statements.

The issue with ergonomics is that this code is tedious and error-prone to write. We have to pepper calls to run in just the right places, and even in these small examples I found myself making mistakes. This is actually another failing of composition, because we don't have methods to combine together programs. For example, we don't have methods to say that the program above is the sequential composition of three sub-programs.

We can solve the first problem by keeping track of the state of the terminal. If printBold is called within a state that is already printing bold it should do nothing. This means the type of programs changes from () => A to Terminal => A, where Terminal holds the current state of the terminal.

To solve the second problem we're looking for a way to sequentially compose programs. Remember programs have type Terminal => A and pass around the state in Terminal. When you hear the phrase "sequentially compose", or see that type, your monad sense might start tingling. You are correct: this is an instance of the state monad.

If we're using Cats we can define

type Program[A] = State[Terminal, A]

assuming some suitable definition of Terminal. Let's use this definition for now, and focus on defining Terminal.

Terminal has two pieces of state: the current bold setting and the current color. (The real terminal has much more state, but these are representative and modelling additional state doesn't introduce any new concepts.) The bold setting can be simply a toggle that is either on or off, but when we come to implementation it will be easier to work with a counter that records the depth of the nesting. The current color must be a stack. We can nest color changes, and the color should change back to the surrounding color when a nested level exits. Concretely, we should be able to write code like

printBlue(.... printRed(...) ...)

and have output in blue or red as we would expect.

Given this we can define Terminal as

final case class Terminal(bold: Int, color: List[String]) {
  def boldOn: Terminal = this.copy(bold = bold + 1)
  def boldOff: Terminal = this.copy(bold = bold - 1)
  def pushColor(c: String): Terminal = this.copy(color = c :: color)
  // Only call this when we know there is at least one color on the stack
  def popColor: Terminal = this.copy(color = color.tail)
  def peekColor: Option[String] = this.color.headOption

where we use List to represent the stack of color codes. (We could also use a mutable stack, as working with the state monad ensures the state will be threaded through our program.) I've also defined some convenience methods to simplify working with the state.

With this in place we can write the rest of the code, which is shown below. Compared to the previous code I've shortened a few method names and abstracted the escape codes. Remember this code can be directly executed by scala. Just copy it into a file (e.g. Terminal.scala) and run scala Terminal.scala.

//> using dep org.typelevel::cats-core:2.12.0

import cats.syntax.all.*

object AnsiCodes {
  val csiString: String = "\u001b["

  def csi(arg: String, terminator: String): String =

  // SGR stands for Select Graphic Rendition. 
  // All the codes that change formatting are SGR codes.
  def sgr(arg: String): String =
    csi(arg, "m")

  val reset: String = sgr("0")
  val boldOn: String = sgr("1")
  val boldOff: String = sgr("22")
  val red: String = sgr("31")
  val blue: String = sgr("34")

final case class Terminal(bold: Int, color: List[String]) {
  def boldOn: Terminal = this.copy(bold = bold + 1)
  def boldOff: Terminal = this.copy(bold = bold - 1)
  def pushColor(c: String): Terminal = this.copy(color = c :: color)
  // Only call this when we know there is at least one color on the stack
  def popColor: Terminal = this.copy(color = color.tail)
  def peekColor: Option[String] = this.color.headOption
object Terminal {
  val empty: Terminal = Terminal(0, List.empty)

type Program[A] = State[Terminal, A]
object Program {
  def print(output: String): Program[Unit] =
    State[Terminal, Unit](terminal => (terminal, Console.print(output)))

  def bold[A](program: Program[A]): Program[A] =
    for {
      _ <- State.modify[Terminal] { terminal =>
        if terminal.bold == 0 then Console.print(AnsiCodes.boldOn)
      a <- program
      _ <- State.modify[Terminal] { terminal =>
        val newTerminal = terminal.boldOff
        if terminal.bold == 0 then Console.print(AnsiCodes.boldOff)
    } yield a

  // Helper to construct methods that deal with color
  def withColor[A](code: String)(program: Program[A]): Program[A] =
    for {
      _ <- State.modify[Terminal] { terminal =>
      a <- program
      _ <- State.modify[Terminal] { terminal =>
        val newTerminal = terminal.popColor
        newTerminal.peekColor match {
          case None    => Console.print(AnsiCodes.reset)
          case Some(c) => Console.print(c)
    } yield a

  def red[A](program: Program[A]): Program[A] =

  def blue[A](program: Program[A]): Program[A] =

  def run[A](program: Program[A]): A =

@main def go(): Unit = {
  val program =
      Program.print("This is blue ") >>"and this is red ")) >>
        Program.bold(Program.print("and this is blue and bold "))
    ) >>
      Program.print("and this is back to normal.\n")

Having defined the structure of Terminal, the majority of the remaining code manipulates the Terminal state. Most of the methods on Program have a common structure that specifies a state change before and after the main program runs. Notice we don't need to implement combinators like flatMap or >> because we get them from the State monad. This is one of the big benefits of reusing abstractions like monads: we get a full library of methods without doing additional work.

Codata and Extensibility

We made a seemingly arbitrary choice to use a codata interpreter. Let's now explore this choice and its implications.

We described codata as programming to an interface. The interface for functions is essentially one method: the ability to apply them. This corresponds to the single interpretation we have for Program: run it and carry out the effects therein. If we wanted to have multiple interpretations (such as logging the Terminal state or saving the output to a buffer) we would need to have a richer interface. In Scala this would be a trait or class exposing more than one method.

Keen readers of Functional Programming Strategies will recall that data makes it easy to add new interpreters but hard to add new operations, while codata makes it easy to add new operations but hard to add new interpreters. We see that in action here. For example, it's trivial to add a new color combinator by defining a method like that below.

def green[A](program: Program[A]): Program[A] =

However, changing Program to something that allows more interpretations requires changing all of the existing code.

Another advantage of codata is that we can mix in arbitrary other Scala code. For example, we can use map like shown below.

Program.print("Hello").map(_ => 42)

Using the native representation of programs (i.e. functions) gives us the entire Scala language for free. In a data representation we have to reify every kind of expression we wish to support. There is a downside to this as well: we get Scala semantics whether we like them or not. A codata representation would not be appropriate if we wanted to make an exotic language that worked in a different way.

We could factor the interpreter in different ways, and it would still be a codata interpreter. For example, we could put a method to write to the terminal on the Terminal type. This would give us a bit more flexibility as changing the implementation of Termainal could, say, write to a network socket or a terminal embedded in a browser. We still have the limitation that we cannot create truly different interpretations, such as serializing programs to disk, with the codata approach.

Composition and Reasoning

I've argued before that the core of functional programming is reasoning and composition. Both of these are central to this case study. We've explicitly designed the DSL for ease of reasoning. Indeed that's the whole point of creating a DSL instead of just spitting control codes at the terminal. An example is how we paid attention to making sure nested calls work as we'd expect. Composition comes in at two levels: both our design and our implementation are compositional. Within the case study we discussed compositionality in the design. Implementationally, a Program is a composition of the state monad and the functions inside the state monad. The state monad provides the sequential flow of the Terminal state, and the functions provide the domain specific actions.


We've built what we set out to do: a DSL for terminal interaction. It is composable, meaning we can build larger programs out of smaller ones, and we gave it reasonable semantics, allowing, for example, stacked styles with effect that matches the program's nesting. We easily created an implementation by composing the state monad, functions, and a bit of domain specific knowledge about escape codes.

Take a look at Terminus if want you see these ideas in a larger system. Terminus is written in direct-style. Conceptually it is the same as the case study here, but implementationally, instead of using a monad to specify the control-flow, we just use Scala's control-flow. The properties of contextual functions allow us to pass around state without the programmer having to do it explicitly.


If you're interested in TUI libraries you might like to look at ratatui (GOAT tier project name, BTW) for Rust, brick for Haskell, or Textual for Python.

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